We have been receiving a lot of questions about the new alert messages showing up in gmail and what they mean, why they always show up on certain emails that are legitimate, etc.
One of the best ways to determine whether an email is legitimate is to look at the details of the message. You can view the most important details of a message by clicking the arrow next to the recipients of an email as pictured below.

This "Be careful with this message" warning is based on the information discussed above. If an email is not signed, a message has a different from and mailed-by address/domain, etc. it will trigger this alert in your inbox.
This is not a for sure sign that the email is bad, just an alert to pay attention to the email to make sure it is legit since the system could not verify where the email came from.
As more and more email servers/providers start to comply with the industry standards you should start seeing less and less of these messages on legit emails.

This "This message seems dangerous" warning take the information discussed above and applies other information that is part of the Google magic. This warning tells you that information about this email, or information within the email, have been flagged by other users or the security systems at Google. It does not guarantee the message is bad but has raised enough red flags for Google to warn you about it. When you see this message you should definitely pay very close attention and think twice before doing anything with the email or responding in any way to the message. Here is another example of a warning message you may see from Google.

This "This message seems dangerous" warning comes at a little bit higher level. You will notice the message does not include the "Report dangerous" button because Google is a little more confident that messages with this warning are bad. Again, it does not guarantee the message is bad but there is a very strong likelihood that it is.
As always if you have any questions, concerns, etc. please do not hesitate to contact the Help Desk by email, web, or phone.