Zoom Free Licenses
Some you have seen the recent ZOOM blog post that went out, and I just wanted to follow up on that in case you receive any questions from your staff. Below is what ZOOM stated in that recent blog post….
* ZOOM can remove the 40 min time limit on a free/basic license by request. Below are the steps to enabling that...
-District employee signs up for a free Zoom account at https://zoom.us
-District fills out the form here https://zoom.us/docs/ent/school-verification.html?zcid=1231&_ga=2.114339139.570231115.1583760788-1359754212.1540231689
-After submitting, ZOOM will remove the 40 minute time limit for anyone on that district's domain after verification. Personal email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook are not eligible.
(Free Zoom accounts allow up to 100 participants, recording to your local PC, and screen sharing)
Please let us us know if you have any questions.
Here is the Zoom blog post