Linewize - Alerts and Notifications
To help better explain alerts that may potentially come from Linewize and their various products, this article is provided to guide you through what to look for and to better understand where these alerts should be going to best support your district.
Linewize Content Filter Alerts
These alerts are specific to the filtering of devices. A typical alert will look something like the below photo. To setup these alerts, you can navigate to the following setup guide provided directly from Linewize Support:

Linewize Monitor / Safeguarding Alerts
These alerts are specific to the Monitor application, which deals more with school safety. These alerts are sent only to those users that have been added to the Safeguarding or Limited Safeguarding contacts within the Monitor web interface. For information on adding contacts, Linewize had provided the following article from Smoothwall:

Once these users are added and when an event occurs, depending on the severity the phone/email methods will be used and will look something like the below email: